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The following research projects are currently being pursued at ACELG.
  • Uncoding Structural Hierarchies in Markets: How Competition Law and Market regulation Shape Energy Markets in the EU
    Prachi Agarwal
  • Regulating lifestyles: The influence of regulation on the reduction of consumption through consumer behaviour
    Yannick van den Berg (joint PhD with ACT)
  • The Rule of Law and Transparency: Redefining interest representation in the European Union
    Sofie Fleerackers
  • Property imaginaires in European and International Law: A Historical Critical Discourse Analysis
    Miriam Heipertz
  • Fundamental rights protection in climate governance through public participation
    Irthe de Jong
  • Investment Screening in the European Union
    Jochem de Kok (external PhD candidate)
  • Risking inconsistent enforcement of data protection law in Europe? An empirical study
    Nathalie McNabb (external PhD candidate)
  • The Legitimacy of Macroeconomic Adjustment Programs in the Economic and Monetary Union 
    Tatevik Manucharyan
  • The UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the EU’s external action: a critical legal analysis
    Lara Talsma