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The following PhD projects have been successfully defended at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance of the Amsterdam Law School.
  • 2024-2019
    • The EU’s Role in the Development or Demise of International Criminal Law. Teresa Cabrita (also member of ACIL). Defended 11 January 2023
    • A European Pillar of Social Rights: Expectations, Implementation and Potential Impact on the EU’s Performance in the Protection of Social Rights. Sophie Dura. Defended 28 March 2023
    • Discovering and creating European human rights, the Netherlands 1945-1995. Wiebe Hommes. Defended 19 April 2023
    • Transgovernmental cooperation networks and norm formation processes for the protection of migrant workers in Asia. Pedro Miguel Vicente Pereira de Sena (external PhD Candidate; also Department of Constitutional Law). Defended 26 April 2023
    • Balancing Competition and Non-Competition Interests: Towards a European Toolkit
      Or Brook, defended: 24 May 2019
  • 2018-2010
    • A rights-based approach to statelessness. Katja Swider, defended: 5 July 2018
    • Judging European Democracy - National Constitutional Review of European Law and its Democratic Legitimacy. Nik de Boer, defended cum laude: 4 May 2018
    • Public Play upon Private Standards. How European and International Economic Law enter into Voluntary Regimes for Sustainability. Enrico Partiti (also member of ACIL), defended: 20 April 2017
    • Living Transparency. The development of access to documents in the Council of the EU and its democratic implications. Maarten Hillebrandt, defended: 10 March 2017
    • Commission Loyalty: A Fiduciary Approach to Delegated and Implementing Acts​. Eljalill Tauschinsky, defended: 2 December 2016
    • The European Parliament's Quest for Representative Autonomy: An Internal Perspective. Kathalijne Buitenweg, defended: 23 September 2016
    • Participation in European Agencies: Keeping Promises in Institutional Practice. Sara Pernuš, defended: 24 June 2016
    • Secrecy and Oversight in the European Union: The Law and Practice of Classified Information. Vigjilenca Abazi, defended: 11 December 2015
    • Frontiers of Equality in the Development of EU and US Citizenship. Jeremy Bierbach, defended 2 September 2015
    • A Silent Revolution.The Expansion of EU Power in the Field of Human Health. A rights-based analysis of EU health law & policy. Anniek de Ruijter, defended 16 January 2015
    • Copyright Law-Making in the EU: an analysis of the European Union’s legislative competence in the field of copyright. Ana Ramalho (also IVIR), defended 10 January 2014
    • The Effectiveness of Compliance Mechanisms. The EU infringement procedures and alternatives compared. Catharina Koops (also ACIL), defended 13 March 2014
    • Sanctions in EU Competition Law: principles and practice. Michael Frese, defended 22 November 2012 
    • Autonomie van de nationale rechter in het Europees recht (The autonomy of the national judge in European Law). Herman van Harten, defended 1 July 2011
    • Law, Practice and Convention in the Constitution of the European Union. Thomas Beukers, defended 19 April 2011     
    • Het begrip mededingingsbeperking zoals neergelegd in artikel 101(1) VWEU : een beslismodel. Edith Loozen, defended 19 March 2010