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Are you looking to pursue a PhD research project in European public law? Does your proposed research fit well with ACELG’s approach to research on European law? Read what is possible within Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG).

Employment – we look for you

Provided there is funding, eg within an externally funded research project, ACELG offers the possibility to employ PhD researchers for a period of 3 to 4 years. PhD researchers enjoy all the benefits of an employment with the University of Amsterdam. Open PhD positions are advertised on the University’s vacancy site and, if applicable, on the ACELG homepage.

What do I need to do?

Keep an eye on the UvA vacancy site and/or the ACELG home page.

External PhD researcher – you look for us

ACELG is open for applications by candidates who want to pursue their research as a self-funded external PhD candidate as long as the proposed research project falls squarely within ACELG’s research programme. Candidates are strongly advised to check the specializations of the ACELG full professors with a view to identifying their potential supervisor. The better the match with the ACELG research programme and the supervisor’s research interest the higher the chance of being accepted as an external PhD researcher