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A year ago Professor Christina Eckes was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant to study the consequences of strategic climate litigation on the democratic process. Since September 2024, her team has been in place and they have made a great start to the project over the past 4 months. Here’s a quick overview of what they've been working on.

One Postdoc:

Alberto Nicòtina is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer in EU Law. His research interests include comparative constitutional law, especially within the EU, environmental law, legal theory, and qualitative legal methods.

Two Blogs: 

The Aarhus Convention's Relevance for Climate Litigation Through the Lens of KlimaSeniorinnen

What does EU Law say about Banning Fossil Fuel Advertising?

Three Events

13 December: How to Challenge Insufficient EU Climate Action Before the European Court of Justice? Joint Creative Thinking on Overcoming the Well-known Obstacles

12 December: Training sessions and Policy Innovation Lab on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights in Climate Litigation

2 September: Future generations litigation and the rule of law: breaking new frontiers in climate law and governance

Four new PhD Researchers

Clara Kammeringer, Renske Natte, Tessa Trapp & Simon Waswa

Read more about them here.

Five Presentations about Climate Litigation to:

Berkeley University, Durham University, Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, Tilburg University, Leicester University (watch the recording here)