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Dr A. (Alberto) Nicotina

Postdoc in European Law
Faculty of Law
Area of expertise: EU Law, Multi-Level Governance, EU Climate Litigation, Populism and Democratic Representation, Federal Dynamics within the EU
Photographer: Vincenzo Buscemi Photo

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: A10.25
Postal address
  • Postbus 15859
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Alberto Nicotina is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer in EU Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and a voluntary member of the Government and Law Research Group at the University of Antwerp. He is currently working on the ERC-funded project 'LitDem: Strategic Climate Litigation’s Direct and Indirect Consequences for Democracies' (P.I. Christina Eckes). His research interests include comparative constitutional law, especially within the EU, environmental law, legal theory, and qualitative legal methods. In May 2024, he defended his PhD thesis at the University of Antwerp (under the supervision of Patricia Popelier and Peter Bursens) titled: “Constitutional Strategies in the face of Multi-level Governance: an Empirical Legal Theory of EU Integration”, in which he originally combined Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), case studies, and game theory.

    Over the past few years, Alberto has been a Trainee at the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the cabinet of the Estonian judge Küllike Jürimäe (2024), and a Visiting Researcher at the universities of Copenhagen (2022), Madrid Complutense (2022), Brussels ULB (2018), and Montpellier (2017). After obtaining his 5-year Laurea Magistrale in Comparative, European, and Transnational Law from the University of Trento, Italy (2018), he worked at a large Milan-based international law firm, where his practice focused on environmental law issues.

  • Publications


    • Nicotina, A. (2023). Italy: The long-term consequences of an “efficiency” constitutional strategy in the face of multi-level governance. In EU Law and National Constitutions: The Constitutional Dynamics of Multi-Level Governance (pp. 86-108). Routledge.
    • Nicotina, A., & Martini, E. (2023). From Monologues to Dialogue: The US “Certification” Procedure as a Source of Inspiration for EU Cooperative Judicial Federalism. In J. de Poorter, G. van der Schyff, M. Stremler, M. De Visser, I. Leijten, & C. van Oirsouw (Eds.), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2022: A Constitutional Identity for the EU? (Vol. 4, pp. 207-228). T.M.C. Asser Press.
    • Nicotina, A., Popelier, P. (Ed.), & Bursens, P. (2023). EU Law and National Constitutions: The Constitutional Dynamics of Multi-Level Governance. Routledge.
    • Nicotina, A., Popelier, P., & Bursens, P. (2023). Conclusions: Building the founding blocks of a new bottom-up constitutional theory of EU integration. In EU Law and National Constitutions: The Constitutional Dynamics of Multi-Level Governance (pp. 279-291). Routledge.
    • Nicotina, A., Popelier, P., & Bursens, P. (2023). Introduction: Constitutional dynamics of multi-level governance: indicators and hypotheses. In EU Law and National Constitutions: Constitutional dynamics of multi-level governance: indicators and hypotheses (pp. 1-10). Routledge.
    • Van Durme, F., & Nicotina, A. (2023). Funding as an Element of Access to Justice in Environmental Protection Cases in Belgium: A Socio-Legal Analysis. In E. Storskrubb (Ed.), YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2022: Funding of Justice (Springer ed., pp. 119-146)



    • Nicotina, A., & Saglimbeni, R. (2019). Reati edilizi e atti amministrativi illegittimi: confermata la centralità del bene giuridico “ambiente”. Nota a Corte di Cassazione penale, Sez. III, 7 gennaio 2018, n. 49687. Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente, 34(4), 780-791.






    • Nicotina, A., & Verbelen, V. (2020). Italiaans referendum over vermindering aantal parlementsleden: efficiëntie of populisme? De Juristenkrant, (416).
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