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A team of researchers from the Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance will be speaking at various panels at the Annual International Society of Public Law conference, 8-10 July 2024. This year's theme will focus on “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence.”

The conference seeks to foster discussion on the different transformations that public law is going through as a result of the major societal challenges of our time: the quest for sustainability, the AI revolution and, more generally, the need for resilience in a world of exponential change. Within these themes, ACELG members will speak on topics ranging from competition authorities as non-majoritarian institutions, citizen participation in climate law, democracy in EU market regulation, reproduction law and legacies of Empire on the ECHR.

Panels where ACELG members are speaking:

9 July 11:00, Strategic litigation before international and European courts II

Sofie Fleerackers

9 July 12:00, Non-Majoritarian Instruments Protecting Fundamental Rights & Equality in Europe

Presentations from Kati Cseres, Giacomo Tagiuri & Irthe de Jong. Chaired by Christina Eckes

9 July 16:00, European Public Law after Empires

Wiebe Hommes

9 July 17:00, Sustainable Global Economic Law

Presentations from Prachi Agarwal, Christina Eckes, Giacomo Tagiuri, Ivana Isailović

10 July 10:15, Blind Spots in European Antidiscrimination Law II

Ivana Isailović

10 July, 11:00, Trojan Horse Discourse: normalizing illiberalism in diverse contexts

Kati Cseres

P. (Prachi) Agarwal

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Dr. K.J. (Kati) Cseres

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Prof. dr. C. (Christina) Eckes

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

S.H.H. (Sofie) Fleerackers

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Mr. dr. W.E. (Wiebe) Hommes

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Dr. I. (Ivana) Isailovic

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

I.J.M. (Irthe) de Jong MA LLM

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Dr. G. (Giacomo) Tagiuri

Faculty of Law

European Public Law