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Dr Timothée Parrique is an economist and currently a researcher at the School of Economics and Management of Lund University. We look forward to his online lecture on Wednesday 5 June exploring his research on degrowth.
Event details of Lighter, Slower, Smaller, Better – the economics of degrowth
5 June 2024
15:30 -17:00

Degrowth and post-growth

Dr Parrique's research explores several topics within the broad theme of the political economy of degrowth. Engaged in the “Postgrowth welfare systems” project at Lund University, his main research focuses on the question of public finances and degrowth, and more broadly on monetary and fiscal reforms from a postcapitalist perspective in the case of France. Timothée also works on empirical decoupling studies to better understand the relation between economic growth and ecological overshoot, especially at the level of the European Union. His research also includes more conceptual explorations aiming to better theorize the concept of degrowth and post-growth.

Personal website of Timothée Parrique

This event is organized in collaboration with the EUreka Masters' Student Association.