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Dr. A. (Asli) Unan

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D3.03
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Asli Unan is an Assistant Professor of European Political Economy in the European Studies Department at the University of Amsterdam. Before joining this position, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Comparative Political Behavior at Humboldt University of Berlin. Asli obtained her PhD in Political Economy from King's College London, focusing on the dynamics of policy-making, particularly policy reversals and their connection to transboundary crises.

    Her research centers on understanding the dynamics of attitude and policy position changes among political elites and citizens, specifically on multilayered policy issues such as immigration and climate change. Asli explores ways to garner broader public support for such costly policies and investigates the impact of transboundary crises on shaping these positions. She is also interested in identifying the potential preference (mis)alignment between political elites and the public. She specializes in causal methods and is conducting survey and field experiments. Her geographical interest lies in Europe and the MENA region. Asli is a regular co-author of internationally peer-reviewed journal articles in political science and political economy, and her work has been featured in journals such as the Journal of Politics, Electoral Studies, PLOS ONE, and Regulation & Governance.

    More details about her research can be found on her website:


  • Publications


    • Unan, A., John, P., Foos, F., & Cheng-Matsuno, V. (2024). Null effects of social media ads on voter registration: Three digital field experiments. Research and Politics, 11(1).


    • Cheng-Matsuno, V., Foos, F., John, P., & Unan, A. (2023). Do text messages increase voter registration? Evidence from RCTs with a local authority and an advocacy organisation in the UK. Electoral Studies, 81, Article 102572.
    • Fabbe, K., Kyrkopoulou, E., Matakos, K., & Unan, A. (2023). Control and Fairness: What Determines Elected Local Leaders’ Support for Hosting Refugees in Their Community? Journal of Politics, 85(2), 778-783.


    • Hargreaves Heap, S. P., Koop, C., Matakos, K., Unan, A., & Weber, N. (2021). Good news reduces trust in government and its efficacy: The case of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine announcement. PLoS ONE, 16(12 December), Article e0260216.
    • Özel, I. D., & Unan, A. (2021). Decoupling trends: Drivers of agency independence in telecommunications: An analysis of high and middle-income countries. Regulation and Governance, 15(1), 32-62.


    • Unan, A. (2024). Replication Data for: Media exposure to highly skilled immigrants and attitudes toward immigration. Harvard Dataverse.


    • Unan, A., John, P., Foos, F. & Cheng-Matsuno, V. (2023). Replication Data for: Null Effects of Social Media Ads on Voter Registration: Three Digital Field Experiments. Harvard Dataverse.
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