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K. (Karolina) Hwija

Junior Lecturer and PhD Researcher
Faculty of Law

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 24
Postal address
  • Postbus 15575
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    Karolina is a Junior Lecturer and a PhD Researcher at the Faculty of Law. In her capacity as an academic instructor, she is responsible for teaching law courses within the interdisciplinary PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics) Bachelor's programme. Additionally, she is the EU Law Coordinator for the PPLE programme, overseeing its curricular and academic development.

    Regarding her academic background, Karolina holds a BSc Honours degree in PPLE with a major in Law. She subsequently pursued an LLM in European Competition Law and Regulation at the University of Amsterdam. Currently, as part of her doctoral research, she specializes in gender considerations within internal market regulation. This builds upon her earlier research conducted during her master’s studies, particularly her thesis, titled 'Women Welfare', which examined the intersection of gender and competition law.

    Her research primarily examines EU economic law through a feminist lens, while also extending to broader interdisciplinary inquiries. Her scholarly interests encompass the analysis of asymmetrical power dynamics and the legal protection of vulnerable parties across various domains of (EU) law. Additionally, she is interested in the intersection of consumer vulnerability and digitalization within regulatory contexts.

  • Publications


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