I am an Associate Professor in Constitutional Law at the University of Amsterdam’s Law Faculty and affiliate member of the Faculty of Law of McGill University (Montreal, Canada). My work concentrates on contemporary challenges to constitutional democracy. In particular, I research democratic backsliding, the legitimate role of courts in constitutional democracies, the relation between constitutionalism and democracy, questions of EU constitutional law, and constitutional questions about the legal architecture of money, specifically central banks. My work has appeared in journals such as the Common Market Law Review and the Journal of Common Market Studies. My monograph Judging European Democracy, was published by Oxford University Press in 2023. This book systematically analyzes the democratic legitimacy of national constitutional courts' review of European law.
I lead the multidisciplinary project Safeguarding the normative foundations of democracy and am a founding board member of the UvA platform for Democratic Resilience (DEMRES). I am also a member of the editorial board of the European Constitutional Law Review, a Policy Fellow at the think tank Dezernat Zukunft and and a member of the Monetary Policy Expert Panel of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).
I currently teach a range of public law courses at both the Master's and Bachelor's levels, including Democracy and Constitutionalism (Democratie en Rechtsstaat), Comparative Constitutional Law, and Constitutional and Administrative Law in practice (Staats- en bestuursrecht in de praktijk). I am open to supervising students on any of my research interests mentioned above.
I obtained my PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 2018 and studied Law and Philosophy at Utrecht University, the University of Cambridge and the University of Florence. I have held visiting positions at the European Court of Justice, Harvard Law School, and the Center for Global Constitutionalism at the WZB Berlin Social Science Cente. Previously I was a postdoctoral reseacher at the Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE) and Assistant Professor at the Department of Private Law of the Amsterdam Law School, where I taught financial law and coordinated the Master in Law and Finance, as well as the faculty's PhD program.
Research Interests