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Out now, ''The Dynamics of Powers in the European Union'' edited by Professor Christina Eckes (University of Amsterdam), Professor Päivi Leino-Sandberg (University of Helskinki) and Associate Professor Anna W Ghavanini (University of Gothenburg). The book examines how strong executive powers collaborate in the EU as a single source of consensual public power, which is not sufficiently counterbalanced by parliaments or the judiciary.

Book description

Separation of powers is the time-tested touchstone of the legitimate exercise of power in modern democracies. This collection examines decision-making in the EU's multilayered and polycentric constitutional structure through this lens.

The focus on separation of powers reveals how strong executive powers collaborate in the EU as a single source of public power, which is not sufficiently counterbalanced by parliaments or the judiciary.

The collection explores 3 policy fields marked by crisis:

  1. the economic and monetary union (EMU)
  2. migration
  3. trade.

Drawing on expertise from across these sectors, with a strong conceptual thread linking all the contributions, this important work illustrates how different branches of government co-determine each others' powers.