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We're delighted to be hosting Dr. Malte Beyer-Katzenberger, team leader at the European Commission, DG CONNECT, looking at cross-cutting questions of data-driven innovation. 
Event details of Data as an economic resource – how to make the most of it
28 May 2024
12:30 -14:00

The European Union (EU) legislator has adopted the Data Governance Act and the Data Act in order to unleash the power of data for the economy and society. With setting-up of several European data spaces the EU takes a distinct and unique approach to data sharing in Europe. What is the philosphy behind EU data governance? How will data spaces transform the data economy?  As the current mandate of the European Commission comes to a close, it is a good moment to take stock on the EU’s policy and legislation with respect to data – a key resource in the digital economy.  

About Malte Beyer-Katzenberger

Our speaker was in the core team of defining this policy and preparing and negotiating two legislative proposals, the proposal for a Data Act and the proposal for a Data Governance Act.  Dr. Malte Beyer-Katzenberger studied law and political sciences at Trier and Aix-en-Provence universities and at the College of Europe, Bruges.


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