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Please join us for the book launch of ''(In)visible European Government'', edited by Maarten Hillebrandt, Päivi Leino-Sandberg and Ida Koivisto. This book questions the theoretical premises and practical applications of transparency, showing both the promises and perils of transparency.
Event details of (In)visible European Government
23 January 2024
13:00 -15:00

In this book launch seminar, several of the editors and authors of the volume will reflect on the book and the research project behind it. Afterwards, there will be plenty of room for exchange and discussion with the audience on the permanently fascinating subject of government transparency.

Speakers include:

Gijs Jan Brandsma (Radboud University)

Maarten Hillebrandt (formerly ACELG and Helsinki, now Utrecht University School of Governance)

Alex Ingrams (Leiden University)

Päivi Leino-Sandberg (University of Helsinki)

Marta Maroni (Maastricht University)

Sofia Wickberg (University of Amsterdam)

Book description

The book questions the theoretical premises and practical applications of transparency in a methodologically innovative way and in a cross-section of policy instruments. Unusually, it scrutinizes the subject of government transparency from three perspectives - methodologically, theoretically, and empirically - both in the specific context of the EU but also in the wider context of modern society in which transparency is embraced as an almost unquestionable virtue.

The book took shape over the course of several workshops and seminars organized between 2017 and 2022 in the context of the Academy of Finland-funded TrUE project. Bringing together 19 contributing scholars from all over Europe, junior to senior, and from an array of divergent disciplinary backgrounds, the preparation of the book comprised an inspiring and perspective-widening process for all involved.

Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room A7.23
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam