This event is the concluding conference of the three-year research consortium ‘Separation of powers for 21st century Europe (SepaRope)’ between the Universities of Amsterdam, Gothenburg and Helsinki financed through the programme ‘NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age’ funded by a group of European Academies of Science and the European Commission through the Horizon2020 Programme.
Day 1: Thursday 29 June 2023
9:15-9:30 Introduction
9:30-11:00 Panel I: Conceptual Considerations
Päivi Leino-Sandberg, From separated powers to consensual executive government
Christoph Möllers, Federal value enforcement in a system of separated powers
11:30-13:00 Panel II.1: The Relationship between the Legislature and the Executive
Milka Sormunen & Davide Gnes, A crack in the constitutionalisation of EU migration and asylum policy? Assessing the practical implications of informalization of EU readmission policy on separation of powers.
Piotr Krajewski, The European Commission as a driver of EU trade policy: A constrained executive
14:00-15:30 Panel II.2: The Relationship between the Legislature and the Executive
Merijn Chamon, Regulatory Cooperation in 21st century Free Trade Agreements
Thomas Beukers, The role of Parliaments in EU Economic Policymaking
Laurens Ankersmit, Separation of Powers in 21st Century Trade Relations
16:00-18:00 Panel III: The Relationship between the Judiciary and the Executive
Martin Westlund, Judicial scrutiny of the external dimension of EU asylum and immigration law: the tensions between human rights and stronger border controls
Antti Ronkainen, Litigating Monetary Policy: The Limits are Ours
Day 2: Friday, 30 June 2023
9:00-11:30 Panel IV: The Relationship between the Judiciary and the Legislature
Cristina Fasone, National constitutional adjudication on EMU-related measures: A new field of judicial activism?
Allison Östlund & Anna Ghavanini, Creative control: Judicial review of legislative power in EU migration law
Christina Eckes, Judicial control of the EU and Member States’ trade and investment relations
11:45 – 13:15 Panel V: Cross-cutting Considerations
Marta Morvillo, The place of expertise in EU governance
Florin Coman Kund, Separation of powers within a hybrid EU multilayered system. A cross-sectional outlook
Nik de Boer, The Role of Constitutional Courts in a Multilayered Conception of Separated Powers
13:15-13:30 Final Considerations