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Concentration of power in the hands of a few players is a growing phenomenon in a variety of markets, and dominant players pose various threats to democracy. While civil society organisations (CSOs) have traditionally acted as watchdogs of state behaviours that impact individuals’ fundamental rights, they now have also to cope with many threats to democracy that come from the excessive and unaccountable power of private actors. Many of these threats require familiarity and expertise with tools that are not traditionally in the toolbox of defenders of fundamental rights. These tools include competition law and policy.
Event details of Capacity Building Training for CSOs in EU competition law
Start date
15 September 2022
End date
16 September 2022

This 2-day Capacity Building Training provides CSOs with a basic but solid understanding of the main legal and economic principles of EU competition law, its enforcement system and institutional setting. At the end of the training they will be able to position their interests and design their possible course of actions in this legal framework.

By completing the training, CSOs will be capable of voicing their interests towards competition and other regulatory authorities, policy and law makers. They will be capable of effectively designing a course of action for enforcing their interests, considering the strategic benefits of participation in the decision making process if national law allows, or filing complaints to competition and regulatory authorities or before courts.  They will leave the training with contacts for individuals and organisations who may be able to help them and access to networks for knowledge sharing with other CSOs.

They will not only retain knowledge about the substantive and procedural competition rules but also specific skills and tools and other resources on how to use these to articulate their interests and to do their work competently and to a greater capacity to protect the interests they represent and to realize their strategic objectives.

In an interactive training setting and by exchanging and discussing case problems and solutions from the participants, the Training will broaden CSOs’ portfolio of cases and strengthen their advocacy work when facing and addressing governments, national parliaments as well as international organisations. 

Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room A3.01
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam