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Economic inequality is steadily increasing. ACELG and ACLE are jointly convening an online conference discussing whether differences in how much people own and earn should be a concern for competition law.
Event details of Should Wealth and Income Inequality Be a Competition Law Concern?
Start date
20 May 2021
End date
21 May 2021
Organised by
Jan Broulik
Kati Cseres

Economic inequality is on the rise around the world. The gap between rich and poor has been widening steadily, with the covid-19 pandemic further reinforcing the trend. Differences in how much people own and earn have become so pronounced that they are causing a serious economic, political and moral concern. As a result, academics, policy makers and politicians have been asking what generates these differences and how they could be curbed.

A major source of wealth and income inequality appears to be the immense economic power enjoyed by large multinational corporations. Against this backdrop, prominent scholars have argued that a more equal society could be ensured through enforcement of competition rules, not least in labour markets. Yet, the precise extent to which competition law can and should be concerned with distributive issues remains unclear.

The conference will include:

  • Welcoming remarks from Geert ten Dam (President, University of Amsterdam)
  • A keynote by Eleanor Fox (New York University)
  • A discussion panel moderated by Anna Gerbrandy (Utrecht University) and featuring:

The conference is organised under the aegis of the research project Sustainable Global Economic Law.